County of San Luis Obispo CEQA Guidelines Workshop
WHO: County Planning &Building
WHEN: Wednesday, May 9, 2018
TIME: 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
PLACE: San Luis Obispo City/County Library
995 Palm Street., Community Room, San Luis Obispo, CA
WHAT: The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning & Building, upon direction by the Board of Supervisors, will be updating the County CEQA Guidelines. The County is hosting a workshop to solicit input for the update. Stakeholders are invited to attend and comment on the County CEQA Guidelines. A staff report was presented to the Board of Supervisors on December 5, 2017. The report is available on the Board of Supervisors webpage www.slocounty.org.
RSVP: Space is limited, so reservations are required. RSVP with number of attendees by May 2, 2018 to Chris Macek at cmacek@co.slo.ca.us or (805) 781-5708. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Contact Megan Martin, Supervising Planner at mamartin@co.slo.ca.us or (805) 781-4163.