September 30, 2019
The Community Air Protection Program (CAP Program) focuses on actively engaging with communities to learn about pollution concerns and provide solutions with emission reducing projects. Starting October 1 through November 30, 2019, the APCD will be accepting grant applications for: Battery Electric/Alternative Fueling Infrastructure, School Buses, Transit Buses, Off-Road/Agricultural Tractor & Irrigation Engines.
Projects will be scored competitively. Priority will go to projects that are:
Projects will be scored competitively. Priority will go to projects that are:
1). In AB 1550 communities (see link below for more info on this),
2). Zero-emission,
3). Prioritized by the community during outreach events, and
4). Provide direct, meaningful, and assured benefits to AB 1550 communities.
Since 1997, the APCD has expended $25.3 million dollars through SLO County emission reduction grant programs resulting in over 3,070 tons of ozone precursor and toxic diesel emission reductions. The emission reduction projects funded with the above listed grant funding infuse dollars into local communities and create work that enhances the local economy and help provide cleaner air for all to enjoy.
By November 30, 2019, applicants must submit basic information and a quote for the project. If selected for funding, applicants will be required to submit additional information, such as certificates of insurance and businesses structure information.
Application forms and more information can be found online at SLOCleanAir.org/community/grants/caap.php. To view AB 1550 communities, visit https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/auctionproceeds/lowincomemapfull.htm or call (805) 781-5912.
Application forms and more information can be found online at SLOCleanAir.org/community/grants/caap.php. To view AB 1550 communities, visit https://ww3.arb.ca.gov/cc/capandtrade/auctionproceeds/lowincomemapfull.htm or call (805) 781-5912.