Delegates Vote on Policy Recommendations
San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau Delegates Anna Negranti, Hilary Graves, Randy Diffenbaugh, and alternate Charlie Whitney participated in the California Farm Bureau Federation’s (CFBF) 100th Annual Meeting this month, to consider policy Recommendations (RECs), formerly known as “TBRs”. Some of the new or amended policies passed include:
- Advocate for standardized education programs
- Market losses – policy amendment to reflect a more robust interpretation of true financial losses including a company’s good will and legal costs
- Labeling of synthetic protein (fake meat)
- Add mature cattle to calfhood vaccination for brucellosis
- Support for ALL crop insurance programs
- Pathway for current undocumented workers including spouses and children and incentive to come forward and be protected; and no “touchback” provision for current workers
- Support development of transportation, trade and technology development and utilization of mechanization, robotics and oppose any tax, fee, or other measures that would hinder utilization of automation, mechanization, and robotics
- Groundwater management should be consistent with overlying landowners’ rights
- Support forest management policies – prescribed burns
- Support voluntary ag conservation easements when mitigation is required for farmland conversion
- Encourage administrative, civil, criminal and monetary penalties for rural crimes
- Definition of “rural”: define rural at the census tract level for resource allocation and standardizing eligibility determination for all rural development programs at a population limit of 50,000
- Support access to rural broadband development so that rural communities remain competitive
- Support the availability of OEM diagnostic equipment used for ag purposes (right to repair)
Ideas and suggestions for CFBF policies originate during discussions among Farm Bureau members at various meetings and gatherings. After consideration by a statewide committee, the policies are voted on by the House of Delegates of the member county Farm Bureaus at the Annual Meeting of CFBF. The new and/or amended policies will take effect in 2019.