AB 589 (Bigelow): Water diversion: monitoring and reporting training
Senate Bill 88 requires all water right holders - who have previously diverted or intend to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year (including riparian and pre-1914 claims) or are authorized to divert more than 10 acre-feet per year (under a permit, license, or registration) - to measure and report the water they divert.
Assembly Bill 589 allows any diverter, as defined, who has completed a course on measurement devices and methods administered by the University of California Cooperative Extension, including passage of a proficiency test to be considered a "Qualified Individual" who may install and maintain measuring devices or implement methods of measurement that are used for their own annual diversions as required by the California State Water Resources Control Board.
Upcoming training workshops
Registration for the workshop is open about 4-5 weeks before the actual date of workshop. To register for a workshop, please click on the link below or visit website of the local UC Cooperative Extension office in the city of your interest or visit our main website www.ucanr.edu then click on the event calendar.
October 22, 2018, 1:00-4:30 PM, Modesto, CA. Link to Registration site and workshop location.
October 23, 2018, 8:00-11:30 AM, Bakersfield, CA. Link to Registration site and workshop location.
October 23, 2018, 2:30-6:00 PM, Parlier, CA. Link to Registration site and workshop location.
October 24, 2018, 8:30 AM-12:00 PM, King City, CA. link to Registration site and workshop location.
December 3, 2018, 1:00-4:30 PM, Merced, CA. Registration will open in October, please contact Scott Stoddard csstoddard@ucanr.edu for additional information.
Registration fee is $25 per person up to one week before the workshop, $30.00 late or at the door registration.