Membership: Join or Renew
If you believe in local agriculture, belong to Farm Bureau!
We cannot defend our San Luis Obispo County farmers, ranchers and agriculture businesses without your suppport.
Join Farm Bureau now or renew your membership online. It's easy to do all of this from the convenience of your computer or your mobile phone, through a secure web service. Have your renewal notice available to speed the process; you will need to enter your membership number, name and ZIP code. Renewal dues may be paid online with a credit card.
Join online here or download the membership form PDF and mail it either to our SLO County Farm Bureau office (4875 Morabito Place, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401) or the California Farm Bureau office (2600 River Plaza Dr. Suite 230, Sacramento, CA 95833) with payment. You are also welcome to renew in-person in our office anytime or over the phone by calling 805-543-3654.
Don't forget abour our Fact Fund. Information and communication about laws, events, workshops, and more are funded, in part, by Fact Fund donations. We separate fact from fiction when it comes to agriculture practices and people. Make your donation when you renew, today. Every dollar helps with postage, printing and online communications!
All memberships are listed as either an individual or as an entity.
Individual Definition: "This membership type is for an individual person and his or her spouse. The member can also add the "doing business as" name of his/her sole proprietorship to the membership ID Card and to the member's record. This membership belongs to the person and can only be shared with the person’s spouse."
Entity Definition: "This membership type is for a corporation, LLC, association, partnership, trust or other legal entity. The Entity (company) will own the membership, but can share it with one designated beneficiary who is a shareholder, partner, trustee, officer, or key employee. The company can designate or change the beneficiary at any time. This membership type also allows the company to establish a Company Manager to manage the online account, pay for memberships, and designate/change beneficiaries. (This membership type cannot be shared between a person and his/her spouse)"
Call us if you need some assistance with membership - 805-543-3654.
Agricultural Membership
Per the San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau Bylaws, agricultural members are defined as: "a member residing or farming in San Luis Obispo County who received during the five-year period before the membership year, or reasonably expects to receive, income from the farming industry shall be an agricultural member, except for a person meeting that qualification who has elected to be a collegiate member."
Ag members may serve on the Board of Directors and in other capacities that help shape the future of farming, ranching, viticulture and more. Many agricultural members have other occupations besides being a full-time producer.
Associate Membership
Associate members are those of you with a strong interest in supporting agriculture. Become an active part of our Farm Bureau family with opportunities to engage in discussions, understand issues and learn new information. Work with your Ag clients in a Farm Bureau setting. You also will discover ways to engage new customers and sustain existing relationships through advertising and member mailings.
Collegiate Membership
A member who is at least 16 but less than 25 years of age and has so elected shall be a collegiate member. A collegiate member should be enrolled in a community college, public or private four-year college, trade school, university or other post-high-school formal educational program.
Business Support Membership
Business support members are businesses (both agriculture-related and non-agriculture) that support the protection and promotion of viable agriculture production in SLO County and California. Business support membership comes with complimentary advertising and promotion opportunities available upon request including: targeted social media posts of your business through SLO County Farm Bureau’s Facebook and Instagram channels; one annual presentation before the 30-member SLO County Farm Bureau Board of Directors and local government leaders; inclusion in Farm Bureau’s Online Business Directory, promotional material display in our Community Board Room, and an annual rotation in the Business Member Spotlight in the Weekly E-News email newsletter (averages 800+ opens a week); and recognition in every issue of SLO County Farm Bureau News Magazine, our printed member publication that reaches over 1000 local agriculture and community leaders.
Platinum Level Membership
$ 1,500+
Receive concierge service on government affairs issues with insights, recommendations and advocacy strategies on request. Small group discussions and special marketing opportunities are available through Farm Bureau events and communcations. Your $1500 annual support shows you understand the importance of our local agricultural economy, and sets your business apart as a leading advocate for SLO County Farm Bureau members.