January 30, 2020
In 2019, San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau partnered with Dr. Meredith Niles and the University of Vermont's Food Systems Program & Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences to research local farmer perspectives on water management and the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). A research brief of the study was published in January of 2020. Download the 4-page brief by clicking here or the image at right.
Key Findings 
- The majority of farmers are concerned about groundwater issues and believe they are occurring now or in the next five years.
- Farmers have already adopted many water management practices, and are likely to adopt more in the future.
- Majority of farmers believe the SGMA process is being managed locally and farmers are involved, but less than half understand the process or think its fair and know how to participate.
- The majority of farmers support incentive programs, recharge credits and permits for new wells.
- Majority of farmers believe SGMA is necessary in SLO and California; however, they don’t believe other farmers think SGMA is necessary in these places.