Time is Running Out to Get Your Pre-2010 Engine Diesel Truck in Compliance with CARB
San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau member Advanced Emissions explains how a retrofit can keep your agriculture truck compliant with the California Air Resources Board. On March 25, 2022, we recorded a 15-minute informational video to explain how to comply with this regulation. Learn more at advancedemission.com and download a 1-page fact sheet here.
What is the Agriculture Mileage Extension?
Agriculture vehicles that clock in less than 10,000 miles per year, without exceeding the prior mileage threshold, may continue to use the Agriculture Mileage Extension. On December 31, 2022, all 2009 and earlier engine diesel trucks will have to be replaced with a 2010 engine or newer truck that meets the emission requirement of the California Air Resource Boards mandate. The one exception to this is for Ag companies who have been compliant with CARB by utilizing the Ag extension in what CARB calls the NOx Exempt area of the state.
What is the NOx-Exempt Area Extension?
In areas of California like ours that have better air quality, the state allows trucks that are equipped with PM filters to operate indefinitely – that is, they are not required to retire the engine or comply with the 2010 (or newer) emission standards. To use this option, the truck must stay in the NOx-Exempt areas of the state, and must be reported annually to CARB and must be labeled “NE” on both doors. Our local NOx-Exempt area includes Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties (and 28 other Northern California counties). If you are replacing your older truck, using this option would allow you to replace it with a new or used truck, as long as it is equipped with a PM filter. According to the current Truck & Bus Regulation, NOx-Exempt vehicles can operate in NOx-Exempt areas indefinitely. For more information on the NOx Exempt Area Extension, see the CARB Fact Sheet: here.
What vehicles qualify for the Ag Mileage Extension?
According to the CARB Manager of On-Road Compliance Section for the Truck and Bus Regulation, “Any time a vehicle is currently using the Ag extension, they can install a PM filter and transition into ‘NOx with a Filter.”