February 26, 2024
San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors- District 5 Race Candidate Questionnaires
The San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau is a non-profit, grassroots organization advocating for farmers and ranchers in the county since 1922. Our positions on policy issues come from our over 600 local member families and businesses. We do not endorse candidates. Below are responses from a questionnaire given to District 5 candidates to address issues affecting the agricultural community and plans they have if elected. This race is occuring during next week's March 5th election.
Questionnaire responses are shown in alphabetical order by last name. Responses have not been changed or edited. Candidate contact information is located below their response.
Susan Funk |
Heather Moreno |
Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate Information:
Website: funkforsloco.com
Candidate Questionnaire: Candidate Information:
Website: heatherforslo.com