Congressman Jimmy Panetta, SLO County Farm Bureau Hold ‘Agriculture Storm Briefing’ Feb. 23
Farmers, Ranchers, Agriculture Businesses Who Experienced Storm Damage Encouraged to Attend
All farmers, ranchers, agriculture businesses and the public are invited to an Agriculture Storm Briefing hosted by Congressman Jimmy Panetta on Thursday, February 23 at 5:30pm at The Carlton located at 6005 El Camino Real, Atascadero.
Congressman Panetta wants to hear from constituents about damages from the January 2023 flood disaster and challenges applying for federal disaster assistance. No RSVP is required to attend.
Speakers will include Congressman Panetta, USDA Farm Service Agency SLO County Director Jeff Sledd, SLO County Agriculture Commissioner Marty Settevendemie, and SLO County Farm Bureau Executive Director Brent Burchett.
While Congressman Panetta represents the northern part of SLO County, this information will be applicable to all of SLO County. For questions, please contact San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau at 805-543-3654 or email info@slofarmbureau.org